Date & LocationPresenter
3/3/25Hanna Paton
Department of Internal Medicine, Gurung Lab
“Examining the impact of the ‘Don’t Eat Me’ signal in immunity to Leishmania major Infection”
2/24/252nd Rotation Talks
Cole Andersen - Korkmaz Lab
"Lox-1 inhibition and macrophage response during infection"

Jeffrey Dong - Kuehn Lab
"Immunopeptidome of Ad5 myocilin induced glaucoma model in mice"

Daisy Hernandez - Lieberman Lab
"The Effects of TYK2 in Salivary Gland Disease"
1:00 - 2:30 pm
2nd Rotation Talks
Hanna Huston - Cyndari Lab
"Cell Death in Inflammatory and Infectious Arthritis Ex-Vivo Models" 

Ryan Illig - Potter Lab
"Neutrophil Activation and HCA1 Signaling in Response to Gonococcal Stimulation"

Paul Ntasin - Jabbari Lab
"The role of the CXCR6-CXCL16 pathway in the pathogenesis of Alopecia areata"

Allison Rux - Korkmaz Lab
"Scavenger Receptor LOX-1 and Adaptive Immune Responses During Pneumonia"
2/10/25Andrea Benavides
Department of Internal Medicine, Cho Lab

"E-cigarette use alters the epigenetic landscape of circulating monocytes in a sex-specific manner"
2/3/25Jessie Knobbe
Department of Pediatrics, Bermick Lab

"Investigating the impact of chorioamnionitis on offspring immunity"
1/27/25Taylen Nappi
Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Butler Lab

"Lactate Metabolism as a Determinant of T cell Function During Plasmodium Infection"
12/9/24Kyra Watral
Department of Pediatrics, Bermick Lab

"Bovine Lactoferrin Decreases Mortality in a Murine Model of Neonatal Sepsis Through Multiple Mechanisms"
12/2/24Sahaana Arumugam
Department of Pathology, Harty Lab

"Hormonal Control of Viral Immunity"
1st Rotation Talks: 
Ryan Illig - "SAMHD1 and Apoptosis in HIV infected Macrophages"
Paul Ntasin - "The effect of various fatty acids on immune cell function"
Allison Rux - "Exploring the Role of IL-27 in Salivary Gland Autoimmunity"
Cole Andersen - “Pulmonary DC kinetics post-viral exposure”
11/11/241st Rotation Talks: 
Jeffery Dong - "Tonic Signaling: Beyond Lymphocyte Survival"
Daisy Hernandez - "Exploring the Role of Capicua in HIV Reactivation"
Hanna Huston - "A Retrospective Analysis of the Correlation Between Medication Classes and Surgical Intervention Using the TriNetX Database"
11/4/2024Ti-Ara Turner
Department of Pathology, Mangalam Lab

"Unraveling the Mechanisms of EAE in the absence of IFNg and IL-17A: Insights from HLA-DR3 transgenic mice"
10/28/24Shravan Kumar Kannan
Department of Pathology, Badovinac Lab

"Whole body irradiation impairs the maintenance and function of antigen-specific naive and memory CD4 T cells"
10/21/24Jonah Elliff
Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Maury Lab

"Acute malaria suppresses protective efficacy elicited by the Ebola virus vaccine"
10/14/24Matthew Smith
Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Mailloux Lab

"Hypoxia Blocks Tumor Antigen Processing and Presentation"
10/7/24Jace Heath
Department of Pathology, Karandikar Lab

“Th17-B cell interactions in Multiple Sclerosis”
9/30/24Mayo Akinbo 
Department of Internal Medicine, Cho Lab

"Tim3 increases conventional type 2 dendritic cell abundance in the lung"

Hannah Van Ert 
Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Maury Lab

"Defining Tropism and Mechanisms of Entry for Ebola Virus in Placental and Fetal Tissues"

9/16/24Amanda Slagle
Department of Otolaryngology, Smith Lab

"C3 glomerulopathy: A delicate balance between complement regulation and activation"
9/9/24Maddie Mix 
Department of Pathology, Harty Lab

"Physiologic microbial exposure enhances memory T cell surveillance of the brain and modifies host seizure outcomes"
8/26/24Maddi Lensing 
Department of Dermatology, Jabbari Lab

 "Harnessing the protective potential of CD4+ Tregs in Alopecia Areata"

Max Waugh-Postdoctoral Research Scholar

Seminar Title: "Parasitism of Dermal CD14+ Cells in Progressive Canine Leishmaniosis"


Cori Fain-Postdoctoral Research Scholar

Seminar Title: "Implications of infection induced brain-resident memory T cells on adult neurogenesis"


Miguel Gonzales-Postdoctoral Research Scholar

Seminar Title: "Endogenous Immunogenicity of Skeletal Muscle Dystroglycanopathy and Immunohistochemistry of SARS-CoV-2 Spike in Skeletal Muscle Sarcolemma"


3rd Rotation Talks: Austin Paden
"RIPK2 and Listeria monocytogenes: Utilizing an in vitro model to study cell signaling pathways"

KB Butler
"Joint lining disruption in a human explant model of infectious and inflammatory arthritis: the role of the resident macrophage"

Ifechukwu Ezeilo
"Impact of whole-body irradiation on the maintenance and function of naive T cells"


3rd Rotation Talks: Blake Bernauer
Seminar Title: "The role of IFN-y in protection against Filovirus infection"

Nicole Ruiz-Correa
Seminar Title: "Role of HLA class II restricted IgA responses in regulation of gut microbiota composition"

Frederick Tei-Maya
Seminar Title: "Investigating the role of Estrogen Receptor alpha on CD8 T cells in ameliorating EAE mediated by Isoflavone diet"


Jessica Knobbe
Seminar Title: "Investigating long-term immune dysfunction following exposure to perinatal inflammation"

Taylen Nappi
Seminar Title: "Metabolic profiling of CD4+ T cells responding to Plasmodium yoelii infection"


Andrea Benavides and Hanna Patton

Seminar Title:  Hanna Paton
"Exploring the Role of CD47-SIRP Coreceptor in Cutaneous Leishmania major infection"

Seminar Title: Andrea Benavides:
"Monocytes in motion: Unraveling type 2 signaling and allergic asthma pathogenesis"


Kayla Reisch and Becky Bartell

Seminar Titles: Kayla Reisch
"CD7 drives CD8+ T cell exhaustion during chronic viral infection"

Seminar Title: Becky Bartell
"Determining how IL-18 Signaling Regulates CD8+ T cell Differentiation During Chronic Viral Infection"


Manan Shah and Regina Antonetti

Seminar Titles:  Manan Shah 
“Investigating the function of TFH1 CD4 T cells in Plasmodium infection.”

 Regina Antonetti
 "Investigating the role of hypoxia-induced epigenetic regulators in programming CD4 T cells responding Plasmodium infection".


Matt Smith

Seminar Title: "Tumor Hypoxia Interferes with the Antigen Processing Pathway in Cancer Cells"


Shravan Kumar Kannan

Seminar Title: "impact of whole-body irradiation on the maintenance and function of naive and memory CD4 T cells"


Ti-Ara turner

Seminar Talk: "Investigating Cytotoxic CD4 T Cells in Influenza A infections and Vaccinations"

02/19/242nd Rotation Talks: Blake Bernauer, KB Butler, Ifwchukwu Ezeilo
02/12/242nd Rotation Talks: Austin Paden, Nicole Ruiz-Correa, Frederick Tei-Maya

Jonah Eliff

Seminar Title: "Malaria reduces immunogenicity of the Ebolavirus vaccine"


Sahaana Arumugam 

Seminar Title: "A Prime-Boost Strategy of Liver-Stage Malaria Vaccination"


Kyra Watral

Seminar Title:  "Neonatal Iron Status and Subsequent Sepsis-Associated Mortality "


Jonathan Jeschke-Postdoctoral Research Scholar

Seminar Title: "Individualized weight-at-age growth models provide a general framework for timely identification of phenotypically heterogeneous growth anomalies associated with spontaneous enterocolitis"


Sudeep Ghimire-Postdoctoral Research Scholar

Seminar Title: "Identifying gut microbiome signature in Multiple Sclerosis patient"

11/20/23Fall Break & AIC

1st Rotation Talks: Austin Paden, Nicole Ruiz-Correra, Frederick Tei-Maya

Seminar Titles: "Compartmentalization in influenza infection and its effects on the immune response"

"Effects of IL-12/IL-23 depletion in mouse model Sjogren's Disease"

"Investigating the Role of CD47 on immune cells in Homeostasis"


1st Rotation Talks: Blake Bernauer, KB Butler, Ifechukwu Ezeilo

Seminar Titles: "Exploring the impact of METTL3 inhibition on M6A levels in HIV-1"

"Fatty acid binding protein 4, macrophages and fatty treatment"

"A novel RNA Aptamers-based diagnosis platform to measure IL6R occupancy"


Mayo Akinbo

Seminar Title: "Novel roles of the TIM3 in DC function and activation"


Amanda Heiderscheit

Seminar Title: "The CFH gene family and the glomerular microenvironmental of C3 glomerulopathy"


Jace Heath

Seminar Title: "Dissecting the role of TCR mediated tonic signals in T cell fate"


Maddi Lensing

Seminar Title: "Harnessing the protective potential of Tregs in Alopecia Areata"


Maddi Mix

Seminar Title: "Physiological microbial exposure expands memory T Cells surveillance of the brain"


Hannah Van Ert

Seminar Title: " Utilizing a murine model of Ebola Virus infection to study vertical transmission and tropism within placental tissues"


Sam Connell

Seminar Title: "CD4 T cells from mice with alopecia areata express an effector like phenotype and can transfer disease"


Jayden Bowen

Seminar Title: "Differential roles of Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells1 in allergic airway inflammation"

9/4/23Labor Day

Ivy Debreceni

Seminar Title: "IL-27 promotes pathogenic Tfh-like CD$ effectors and exhausted-like CD8 T Cells in a mouse model for Sjogren's disease"


Elvia Silva

Seminar Title: "Inoculum dose and prior immune modulations as parameters that impact MHV1 severity and T resident memory.""

1/16/2023Martin Luther King Day
12/2/2022Final Exam Week
12/5/20221st Rotation Talks: Kayla Reisch, Regina Antonetti, Daniel Sands
11/28/20221st Rotation Talks: Jessica Knobbe, Taylen Nappi, Hanna Paton
11/21/2022Fall Break & AIC
11/14/20221st Rotation Talks: Manan Shah, Rebecca Bartell, Andrea Benavides
11/7/2022Elvia Silva
10/31/2022Sam Connell
10/24/2022Jayden Bowen
10/17/2022Tiffany Ybarra
10/10/2022Ellen Upton
10/3/2022Ivy Debreceni
9/26/2022Stephanie Peterson
9/19/2022Roger Berton
9/12/2022Merri-Grace Jones
9/5/2022Labor Day
8/29/2022Michael Pisano
8/22/2022Jordan Johnson
6/5/2022Marika Raff, Fellow Physician (Santillan lab)
5/23/2022Mariah Hassert, Postdoctoral Fellow (Harty lab)
5/16/2022Patrick Nuro-Gyina, Postdoctoral Fellow (Wilson lab)
5/2/20223rd Rotation Talks (Matt Smith, Ti-Ara Turner, Kyra Watral)
4/25/20223rd Rotation Talks (Ariana Jimenez, Shravan Kannan, Austin Santhin)
4/18/2022Jace Heath, Maddie Mix & Hannah Van Ert
4/11/2022Mayo Akinbo, Maddi Lensing & Amanda Heiderscheit
4/4/2022Elvia Silva
3/28/2022Alan Sariol, Postdoctoral Fellow (Perlman lab)
3/21/2022Sam Connell
3/14/2022No Classes – Spring Break
3/7/2022Jayden Bowen
2/28/2022Tiffany Ybarra
2/21/2022Ellen Upton
2/14/20222nd Rotation Talks (Ariana Jimenez, Shravan Kannan, Austin Santhin)
2/7/20222nd Rotation Talks (Matt Smith, Ti-Ara Turner, Kyra Watral)
1/31/2022Stephanie Peterson
1/24/2022Ivy Debreceni
1/10/2022Madeliene Stump, Resident (Rahmouni lab)
The Role of Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 1 Protein (BBS1) in T Cells and Regulation of Wound Repair

Roger Berton, (Vladimir Badovinac Lab)

"Level of Steady State Inflammation Influences Susceptibility to Sepsis in Immune-Experienced Mice"

Seminar Flyer


Merri-Grace Allred, (Scott Lieberman Lab)

"Type I Interferon Signaling Modulation of T-Regulatory Cells in Non-Obese Diabetic (NOD) mouse model of Sjogren's Disease"

Seminar Flyer

11/22/2021Thanksgiving Break Week

Sahaana Arumugam

"Cytotoxic Capabilities of an NK T cell population in Borrelia burgdorferi exposed canines"

Matt Smith

"Tumor Hypoxia Interferes With Antigen Processing Machinery"

Ti-Ara Turner

"Evaluation of IFNβ in Leishmania infantum and Borrelia burgdorferi co-infection"

Kyra Watral

"Investigating the role of enteral lactoferrin supplementation in neonatal E. coli sepsis outcomes"

Seminar Flyer


1st Rotation Talks

Ariana Jimenez

"Investigating if SAMHD1 Inhibits Phosphorylation of IRF7 in the MyD88-dependent Pathway"

Shravan Kannan

"Effect of Inflammation or Irrelevant respiratory infection on existing influenza A virus (IAV) specific Lung resident memory T cells"

Austin Santhin

"Respiratory Syncytial Virus Strains Differentially Induce Pro-inflammatory Cytokines in Human Lung Epithelial Cells"

Jonah Elliff

"Effect of acute malaria on development of memory B cell response against Ebolavirus"

Seminar Flyer


Fionna Surette, (Noah Butler Lab)

"IL-21 is necessary to sustain humoral immunity to Plasmodium"

Seminar Flyer


Laura Pietrok, (Steve Varga Lab)

"Respiratory syncytial virus prefusion F-based polyanhydride vaccine induces long-lasting protection and immunity"

Seminar Flyer


Kody Waldstein, (Steve Varga, Lab)

"Alveolar macrophages are the primary infectious target of respiratory syncytial virus in vivo"

Seminar Flyer


Mitchell LeFebvre, (John Harty Lab)

"Liver macrophages mediate recruitment of circulating effector memory CD8 T cells to the liver during bacterial infection"

Seminar Flyer


Jordan Johnson, (Noah Butler Lab)

"TET-mediated regulation of effector CD4 T cells"

Seminar Flyer


Michael Pisano, (Janz Siegfred Lab)

"Evaluating the IL6Myc mouse as a model of aggressive human multiple myeloma"

Seminar Flyer


Dana Bohan, (Wendy Maury Lab)

"Phosphatidylserine Receptors and SARS-CoV-2"

Seminar Flyer


Shakoora Sabree, (George Weiner Lab)

"Evaluating the complexity of the immune response to vidutolimod"

Seminar Flyer

9/6/2021Labor Day - No class

Aline Sandouk, (Jon Houtman Lab)

"The Role of Nuclear GRB2 in T cells"

Seminar Flyer


Tina Arkee, (Gail Bishop Lab)

"Roles of TRAF3 in T cells"

Seminar Flyer


Lisa Drewry, Postdoctoral Associate (Harty Lab)

"Enduring flaws in the immunization responses of mice after resolution of blood-stage malaria"

Seminar Flyer


Brian Juber, Postdoctoral Associate (McElroy Lab)

"Effects of experimental chorioamnionitis on intestinal injury and systemic inflammation following postnatal TNF-induced inflammation and experimental necrotizing enterocolitis"

Seminar Flyer


Rotation Talks #3

Mayo Akinbo

"The Effect of Ascorbate on CD8 T Cell Exhaustion During Chronic Viral Infection"

Jace Heath

"Elucidating the link between regulatory elements and stable gene expression in Regulatory T cells"

Amanda Heiderscheit

"FHR1:FH and FHR5:FH Ratios in patients with C3 Glomerulopathy"

Maddi Lensing

"Exploring Th17 Resistance to Suppression"

Seminar Flyer


Jayden Bowen, (Klesney-Tait Lab)

"The role of Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid cells 1 in allergic airway inflammation"

Sam Connell, (Jabbari Lab)

"CD4 T cell induction of alopecia areata"

Elvia Silva, (Badovinac Lab)

"Murine Hepatitis Virus (MHV-1) and Sepsis: MHV Resistance and Susceptibility Stories"

Seminar Flyer


Andrew Dosch, (Cho Lab)

"The Role of Tim3 on CD8 T cells Following Influenza A Virus Infection"

Sequoia Crooks, (Harty Lab)

"Functional avidity of CD8 T cell populations following influenza infection"

Seminar Flyer


Merri-Grace Allred, (Lieberman Lab)

"The role of type l interferon signaling in early pathogenesis of Sjogren's disease in the NOD mouse model"

Seminar Flyer


Ellen Upton, (Radoshevich Lab)

"The effects of ISG15 during bacterial infection"

Seminar Flyer


Shakoora Sabree, (Weiner Lab)

"Evaluating the complexity of the immune response to CMP-001, a TLR9 agonist"

Seminar Flyer


Stephanie Peterson, (Mangalam Lab)

"A fructose rich diet: gut microbiome and immunomodulatory effects"

Seminar Flyer


Ivy Debreceni, (Lieberman Lab)

"Pathogenic role of CD226 in lacrimal gland autoimmunity in the non-obese diabetic mouse model of Sjögren’s Disease"

Seminar Flyer


Roger Berton, (Badovinac Lab)

"Ly6C Expression Demarcates Distinct Naïve CD8 T cells with Enhanced Proliferative Potential and Memory Generation"

Seminar Flyer


Tiffany Ybarra, (Bishop Lab)

"Mechanisms of TRAF3 in Regulating TLR Signaling in B Lymphocytes"

Seminar Flyer


Kody Waldstein, (Varga Lab)

"Genetic variation in the RSV fusion protein differentially activates the inflammasome"

Seminar Flyer


Rotation Talks #2

Mayo Akinbo

"L. major-Specific Proteasome Inhibitor, GNF6702, Inhibits Degradation of Murine Cxcl1"

Jace Heath

"Assessing Human CD4:CD8 Effector:Regulator Interactions"

Amanda Heiderscheit

"Innate Immunity of Chlamydia trachomatis: The effects of Incs on IFITM3"

Maddi Lensing

"Dectin-1 Suppresses the Development of EAE"

Seminar Flyer


Fionna Surette, (Butler Lab)

"IL-21 is necessary to both induce and sustain humoral immunity to Plasmodium"

Seminar Flyer


Laura Pietrok, (Varga Lab)

"Prefusion F-based polyanhydride nanovaccine induces long-lasting protection against respiratory syncytial virus"

Seminar Flyer


Joseph Skurski, (Maretzky Lab)

"iRhom2: a novel cellular regulator of weight gain, inflammation, and adiposity"

Seminar Flyer


Breanna Scorza, Postdoctoral Associate (Petersen Lab)

"Tick-Borne Co-infections and Immune Alterations during Progression of Canine Leishmaniosis"

Seminar Flyer


Zeb Zacharias, Postdoctoral Associate (Legge Lab)

"Combating respiratory pathogens with polyanhydride nanoparticle vaccination"

11/23/20Thanksgiving Break Week

Rotation Talks #1

Mayo Akinbo
"TIM3 Regulates Cross Presentation by XCR1-Positive Dendritic Cells During Influenza"

Jace Heath
"Defining the Epitope Dominance Hierarchy in CD8 T Cell Immunity During Influenza Virus Infections"

Amanda Heiderscheit
"The Role of RIPK2 in Cutaneous Leishmaniasis"

Maddi Lensing
"Developing a Platform to Study the Role of AIRE in Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma"

Maddie Mix
"Neuroimmune interactions of tissue resident memory CD8 T cells"

Hannah Van Ert
"Investigating the novel role of Phosphatidylserine receptors on SARS-CoV-2 viral entry"

Seminar Flyer


Mitchell LeFebvre, (Harty Lab)

"Phagocytes mediate rapid liver infiltration by protective CD62Llow circulating memory CD8 T cells during liver-stage malaria"

Seminar Flyer


Jordan Johnson, (Butler Lab)

"TET-mediated regulation of CD4 T cell fate"

Seminar Flyer


Dana Bohan, (Maury Lab)

"Ebola virus infection of the skin"

Seminar Flyer


Aline Sandouk, (Houtman Lab)

"The Role of Nuclear GRB2 in T Cells"

Seminar Flyer


Tina Arkee, (Bishop Lab)

"Roles of TRAF3 in T cells"

Seminar Flyer


Amy Whillock, (Bishop Lab)

"TRAF3 restrains BCR signaling in normal and malignant B cells"

Seminar Flyer


Stephanie Silva-Del Toro, (Allen Lab)

"Mechanisms of Helicobacter pylori Induced Neutrophil Subtype Differentiation"

Seminar Flyer


Alan Sariol, (Perlman Lab)

"Depletion of microglia exacerbates demyelination and impairs remyelination in a neurotropic coronavirus infection"

Seminar Flyer


Isaac Jensen, (Badovinac Lab)

"Sepsis impedes EAE disease development by diminishing autoantigen-specific naïve CD4 T cells"

Seminar Flyer

9/7/2020Labor Day – no class



Samantha Jensen, (Mangalam Lab)

"Isoflavone Diet Ameliorates Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE) through Modulation of Gut Bacteria Depleted in Multiple Sclerosis Patients"

Seminar Flyer


Merri-Grace Allred, (Lieberman Lab),

"Role of type I interferon signaling in chemokine upregulation in early pathogenesis of Sjögren syndrome"

Seminar Flyer



12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML

Mitchell LeFebvre
"Circulating effector memory CD8 T cells enter the liver and contribute to protective immunity during liver-stage malaria"

 Mitchell LeFebvre.pdf


12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML

 Kody Waldstein, (Varga Lab)
"Genetic variation in the RSV fusion protein controls RSV strain-dependent inflammasome activation and the development of a pathogenic Th17 response"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Fionna Surette, (Butler Lab)
"CD4+ T cell derived IL-10 and IL-21 support humoral immunity during acute Plasmodium yoelii infection"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Laura Stephens, (Varga Lab)
"Polyanhydride-based RSV nanoparticle vaccine establishes lasting protection mediated by humoral and cellular immune responses"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Joseph Skurski, (Maretzky Lab)
"Loss of iRhom2 accelerates fat gain and insulin resistance in diet-induced obesity despite reduced adipose tissue inflammation"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Breanna Scorza, Postdoctoral Associate (Christine Petersen’s lab) 
"Title TBD"
3/16/20Spring Break- NO CLASS
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Jordan Johnson, (Butler Lab)
"Title TBD"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Dana Bohan, (Maury Lab)
"Title TBD"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Rotation Talks #2

Samuel Connell
"Title TBD"

Sequoia Crooks 
"Title TBD"

Andrew Dosch
"Title TBD"

Elvia Silva
"Title TBD"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Shakoora Sabree, (Weiner Lab)
"Evaluation of the complexity of the immune response to CMP-001, a TLR9 agonist"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Ellen Upton, (Radoshevich)
"Title TBD"

Tiffany Ybarra, (Bishop Lab)
"Impact of TRAF3 in TLR signaling in B lymphocytes"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Ivy Debreceni, (Lieberman Lab)
"Pathogenic role of IL-27 in lacrimal gland autoimmunity in the non-obese diabetic mouse model of Sjögren Syndrome"

Stephanie Peterson, (Mangalam Lab)
"Title TBD"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Roger Berton, (Badovinac Lab)
"Improving Sepsis Models to Bridge the Gap Between SPF Mice and Humans"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Lisa Drewry, Postdoctoral Associate (Harty Lab)
"T cell responses to blood stage malaria"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Brian Juber, Postdoctoral Associate (McElroy Lab)
"Fetal exposure to maternal inflammation attenuates the postnatal murine inflammatory response but does not protect against intestinal injury"
11/25/19Thanksgiving Break Week- NO CLASS
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Rotation Talks #1

Samuel Connell
"Investigating the role of RIPK2 in regulating inflammasome activation in B cells"

Sequoia Crooks
"Investigating potential suppression of CNS-specific CD4 T cells by bystander CD8 T cell responses"

Andrew Dosch
"IL-17D Production by Human CD4+ T Cells"

Elvia Silva 
"Influenza-reactive T cell Responses in HLA Mice"

Jayden Bowen
"A Tale of TREM-1"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Emma Hornick, Postdoctoral Associate (Bishop Lab)
"TRAF3 modulation of type I interferon signaling"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Magin Murphy Keller, (Wilson Lab)
"The Composition and Function of Extracellular Vesicles in Leishmaniasis"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Aline Sandouk, (Houtman Lab)
"The Role of Nuclear GRB2 in the Functional Modulation and Transcriptional Regulation of T Cells"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Zeb Zacharias, Postdoctoral Associate (Legge Lab)
"Chronic ethanol consumption negatively impacts antigen-specific CD8 T cell memory and is associated with increased susceptibility to secondary influenza A virus infections"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Tina Arkee, (Bishop Lab)
"TRAF3-mediated regulation of the TCR/CD28 complex "
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Amy Whillock, (Bishop Lab)
"The Role of TRAF3 in B cell signaling, survival, and oncogenesis"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Stephanie Silva-Del Toro, (Allen Lab)
"Mechanisms and functional consequences of H. pylori induced N1-like subtype differentiation of Neutrophils"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Alan Sariol, (Perlman Lab)
"Depletion of microglia by CSF1R inhibition exacerbates demyelination and impairs remyelination in a neurotropic coronavirus infection"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Isaac Jensen, (Badovinac Lab)
"NK cells serve as a through line to understanding host status following a septic event"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Samantha Freedman, (Mangalam Lab)
"Linking diet, gut microbiota and autoimmunity: A phytoestrogen diet alters the gut microbiota and influences Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE)"
9/2/19No Class- Labor Day
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Ashley Brate, (Karandikar Lab)
"Neuroantigen-specific regulatory CD8+ T cell responses as a therapy for relapsing autoimmune demyelinating disease"

Rotation Talks

Stephanie Peterson 
"Title TBD"

Ellen Upton
"CD40 mediated protection from Ebola infection in keratinocytes" 
Wendy Maury's lab

Tiffany Ybarra
"Regulatory T cells in Alopecia Areata"
Ali Jabbari's lab

Merri-Grace Allred
"Title TBD"

Roger Berton
"Sepsis-Induced Changes in Hematopoietic Stem Cell/DC Progenitor Cell Subsets"
Kevin Legge's lab

Ivy Debreceni
"Title TBD"

5/13/19AAI Meeting (5/9-5/13 San Diego, CA)
5/6/19Final Exam Week- No Class
4/29/19No Seminar
4/22/19No Seminar
4/15/19No Seminar
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Amy Whillock (Bishop's lab)
"TRAF3 regulation of signaling in normal and malignant B cells"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Aline Sandouk (Houtman's lab)
"Role of Nuclear GRB2 in the Functional Modulation and Transcriptional Regulation of T Cells"
3/25/19No Seminar
3/18/19Spring Break- No Class
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Megan Keller (Wilson's lab)
"The Composition and Function of Extracellular Vesicles in Leishmaniasis"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Tina Arkee (Bishop's lab)
"TRAF3-mediated regulation of the T cell receptor complex"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Mitchell LeFebvre (Harty's lab)
"Role of circulating memory CD8 T cells in immunity to liver stage malaria"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Rotation Talks #2

Stephanie Peterson 
"Examining Infection of THP-1 Cells by Chlamydia trachomatis Serovars L2, D, and A"

Ellen Upton
"Ubiquitin-like protein activity in response to cell stress"

Tiffany Ybarra
"Impact of TRAF3 in HIF1α Expression in B Cells"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Rotation Talks #1

Merri-Grace Allred 
"Title TBD"

Roger Berton
"Bystander Memory CD8 T-cell Responses In B16 Melanoma"

Ivy Debreceni
"Hyper Segmentation of Human PMN Induced by Ascites from Ovarian Cancer Patients"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Dana Bohan ( Maury's lab)
"Ebola Virus Infection of Dendritic Cells"

Fionna Surette ( Butler's lab)
"Determining the role of TRAF3 in the germinal center response to Plasmodium yoelii"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Joe Skurski (Maretzky's lab)
"The impact of iRhom2 deficiency on obesity-linked adipose tissue inflammation and metabolic disorders in mice"

Kody Waldstein (Varga's lab)
"Determining the Role of RSV F Protein in Modulating Inflammasome Activation"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Laura Stephens (Varga's lab)
"Evaluation of a polyanhydride-based nanoparticle vaccine utilizing RSV prefusion F"

Jordan Johnson ( Butler's lab)
"Evaluating the Transcriptional Regulatory Networks and Functional Capacity of Tfh CD4 T cells during experimental malaria"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Breanna Scorza (Postdoctoral Associate- Christine Petersen's lab)
"Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis in U.S. Foxhounds"
12:30 start time
2117 MERF
(no food)
Rotation Talks #2

Stephanie Petersen
"The Role of RANTES in Alopecia Areata"

Ellen Upton
"Comparison of APC Cell Types in Respiratory Tissues"

Tiffany Ybarra
"Bacterial Skin Infection Induces Long-Lasting Changes in the Composition of the Cutaneous Immune System"
11/19/18No Seminar- Thanksgiving Break
12:30 start time
2117 MERF
(no food)
Rotation Talks #1

Merri Grace Allred
"Disease-Associated Gene Expression in NOD Mouse Model of Sjögren Syndrome"

Roger Berton
"Immune Responses in Testes Following LPS Exposure"

Shakoora Sabree
"Elucidating the Role of TLR9 Agonist-Based Therapy in the Tumor Microenvironment"

Ivy Debreceni
"Impact of Rapamycin on CD8 T Cell Memory after Influenza Infection"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Ramasatyaveni (Satya) Geesala (Postdoctoral Associate- Thorsten Maretzky's lab)
"iRhom2 protects Il10-/- deficient mice from early onset of colitis"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Patrick Nuro-Gyina (Graduate student- Ohio State Univ.- Jian Zhang's lab)
"E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Nedd4 is Essential for Anti-fungal Innate Immune Response"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Jian Zheng (Postdoctoral Associate- Stantley Perlman's lab)
"Amelioration of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in prostaglandin D2 receptor DP-1 knock out mice"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Alan Sariol (Stanley Perlman's lab)
"Depletion of microglia by CSF1R inhibition exacerbates encephalomyelitis and impairs recovery in mouse hepatitis virus infection"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Stephanie Silva-Del Toro (Lee-Ann Allen's lab)
"Mechanisms of H. pylori-induced Neutrophil Nuclear Hypersegmentation"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Isaac Jensen (Vladimir Badovinac's lab)
"Polymicrobial sepsis influences NK-cell-mediated immunity by diminishing NK-cell-intrinsic receptor-mediated effector responses to viral ligands or infections"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Sam Freedman (Ashutosh Mangalam's lab)
"Phytoestrogen-Metabolizing Bacteria Alters the Intestinal Immune Profile and Suppresses Central Nervous System Autoimmunity"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Derek Danahy (Vladimir Badovinac's lab)
"The Impact of Sepsis on Cancer Host Survival and Tumor-infiltrating CD8 T Cell Responses"
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Ashley Brate (Nitin Karandikar's lab)
"Induction of Neuroantigen-specific CD8+ T Cell Responses as a Treatment for Relapsing Autoimmune Demyelinating Disease"
9/3/18Labor Day- No Class
12:00 p.m.
​B111 ML
Megan Schmidt (Steve Varga's lab)
"Vaccination with a single-cycle respiratory syncytial virus is immunogenic and protective in mice" 
12:00 p.m.
B111 ML
Zeb Zacharias (Kevin Legge's lab)
"Polyanhydride nanovaccine induces pulmonary immune responses and provides protection against influenza A virus infection in inbred and outbred mice"
12:00 pm
B111 ML


Nicole Orban

“Investigating the Effect of O-desmethylangolensin on High Fat Diet Induced Obesity in HLA-DR3 Mice”


Dana Bohan

“TREM-1: A Potentially Novel Substrate of the Metalloprotease ADAM17”


Jordan Johnson

“Evaluating the Relative Protective Capacity of Th1 and Th17 Cells During Experimental Malaria”


Joseph Skurski

“An Update on: Metalloprotease-Dependent  Regulation of LPS-induced Inflammatory Responses in Murine Bone Marrow Derived Macrophages”


Laura Stephens

“Tracking T cell Exhaustion in a Murine Model of Chronic Infection”

12:00 pm
B111 ML
Michael Pisano
"The IL6Myc Mouse Model for Research in Human Multiple Myeloma "

Megan Keller
"The Composition and Function of Exosomes in Leishmaniasis"
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Tina Arkee
"TRAF3-mediated Regulation of the T cell Receptor Complex"

Aline Sandouk
"Structure and Function of Nuclear GRB2 as a Transcriptional Regulator of T Cells"
12:00 pm
B111 ML
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Samantha Freedman
"Phytoestrogen-Metabolizing Bacteria Suppress Central Nervous System Autoimmunity"
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Amy Whillock
"Mechanisms of TRAF3-mediated Regulation of B Cell Survival"
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Isaac Jensen
"Polymicrobial Sepsis Influences NK cell-mediated Immunity by Diminishing Cell-Intrinsic NK cell-dependent Effector Functions in Response to Viral Ligands/Infections"
3/12/18SPRING BREAK- No Class
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Alan Sariol
"Regulatory T cell memory in MHV infection"
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Stephanie Silva-del-Toro
"Mechanisms of H. pylori-Induced Neutrophil Nuclear Hypersegmentation"
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Rotation Talks

Dana Bohan
"Factors Influencing Anti-malarial TFH Differentiation"

Jordan Johnson
"Pulmonary CD8 T Cell Immunity to Influenza Virus"

Joseph Skurski
"Induction and Regulation of LPS-induced Inflammatory Responses in Murine Bone Marrow Derived Macrophages "

Laura Stephens
​"Investigating CD8 T cell-mediated suppression of neuroantigen-specific inflammation and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis"
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Rotation Talks

Fionna Surette
"Dissecting the therapeutic mechanism of IL12/23 p40 in alopecia areata"

Kody Waldstein
"Determining the Role of RSV F Protein in Modulating Inflammasome Activation"

Mitchell LeFebvre
"Enhancing Whole Parasite Plasmodium Vaccination Strategies"

Nicole Orban
"Relationship Between Cd301b+ DCs and Th17 in GAS Infection"
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Samarchith Kurup, Assistant Research Scientist (Harty lab)
"Cell-autonomous Immunity to liver-stage Malaria"
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Guoxin Lin, Visiting Scholar (Zhang lab)
"Regulation of Septic Shock by E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Nedd4"
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Stina Urban, Postdoctoral Associate (Harty lab)
"CD8 T Cells are Recruited to The Central Nervous System after Peripheral Infections and Adopt a Tissue Resident Memory Phenotype"
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Tony Fehr, Assistant Research Scientist (Perlman lab)
"The Coronavirus Macrodomain Counters Antiviral PARP Activity: New Insights into Virus-Host Interactions"
11/20/17Thanksgiving Break Week
12:30 pm
B111 ML
Rotation Talks #2

Dana Bohan
"Characterizing the Adaptive Response to Single-cycle RSV Infection"

Jordan Johnson
"Localization of CD8+NKG2D+ T cells in the skin of Alopecia Areata murine models"

Joseph Skurski
"Quantification of Receptor Ligand Occupancy by IL-2-CD25 Complex Specific Aptamers"

Laura Stephens
"Effects of restoring DC migration on CD8 T cell response to primary and secondary influenza A infection"
12:30 pm
B111 ML
Rotation Talks #1

Fionna Surette
​"CD4 T cell derived IL-10 supports humoral immunity during Plasmodium infection"

Kody Waldstein
​"Origin of CD301b+ Dendritic Cells in the Lungs Following Intranasal Group A Streptococcal Infection"

Mitchell LeFebvre
​"Determining the Numerical Relationships Between Circulating and Liver Resident Memory CD8 T cells in Protection from Malaria"

Nicole Orban
​"Testing a Novel Myelin Peptide as a B Cell-dependent Inducer of MS-like Disease"
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Barun Poudel, Postdoctoral Associate (Gurung lab)
"Collagen I promotes chronic activation of NLRP3 inflammasome"
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Rudragouda Channappanavar, Assistant Research Scientist (Perlman lab)
"The Role of Type I Interferons in Coronavirus Pathogenesis: The good, the bad and the ugly"
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Matthew Martin, Postdoctoral Associate (Badovinac lab)
"Understanding the Genetic Contributions to Infection-Induced CD8 T cell Responses Using Collaborative Cross Mice"
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Kawther Ahmed, Postdoctoral Associate (Zhang lab)
"Identifying Unique Markers for Heterogeneous Tumor-Infiltrating Tregs"
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Megan Schmidt 
"Balancing Protection and Immunopathology in Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection"
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Emma Hornick 
"Nlrp12 Mediates Adverse Neutrophil Recruitment During Influenza Virus Infection"
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Derek Danahy 
"Polymicrobial Sepsis Enhances Host Vulnerability to Secondary Infections and Tumor Development"
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Ashley Brate
"Autoregulatory CNS-reactive CD8+ T Cells Suppress Relapsing-Remitting EAE"
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Zeb Zacharias
"Cellular Responses to Influenza A Virus Infection and Vaccination"
9/4/17Labor Day-No Class
12:00 pm
B111 ML
Lori Wheeler 
"Microglia Provide Protection in a Neurotropic Coronavirus Infection"
12:30 pm
B111 ML
Steve Varga
Introduction to the course
May 1, 2017 - 12:00 pm
B111 ML
Rotation Talks
"A Functional Analysis of Memory CD8+ T Cell Subpopulations Identifies by CX3CR1"
Michael Pisano
April 24, 2017 - 12:00 pm
B111 ML
Laura Rogers (Postdoctoral Fellow - Weiner Lab)
"Validating Crtc3 as a Novel Immunotherapy Target for Cancer"
April 17, 2017 - 12:00 pm
B111 ML
Tina Arkee  
"Role of TRAF3 in T Cell Signaling"
Amy Whillock 
"The Role of TRAF3 in B Cell Signaling"
April 10, 2017 - 12:00 pm
B111 ML
April 3, 2017 - 12:00 pm
B111 ML
Aline Sandouk 
"Grb2 Structure and Function in the Transcriptional Regulation of T Lymphocytes"
March 27, 2017 - 12:00 pm
B111 ML
Stephanie Silva Del-Toro (Lee-Ann Allen's lab)
"Mechanisms of Neutrophil Nuclear Hypersegmentation"
Alan Sariol (Stanley Perlman's lab)
"Regulatory T cell memory in MHV infection"
March 20, 2017 - 12:00 pm
B111 ML
Isaac Jensen (Vladimir Badovinac's lab) 
"Polymicrobial Sepsis Induces Numerical and Functional Impairment of NK Cells"
Samantha Freedman
"Phytoestrogen Metabolizing Gut Flora Alter Autoimmune Demyelinating Disease"
March 13, 2017SPRING BREAK
March 6, 2017 - 12:00 pm
B111 ML
Ashley Brate (Nitin Karandikar's lab) 
"Autoregulatory CNS-reactive CD8 T Cells in Relapsing-Remitting EAE"
February 27, 2017 - 12:00 pm
B111 ML
Derek Danahy (Vladimir Badovinac's lab)
"Impact of Polymicrobial Sepsis on CD8 T cell immunity"
February 20, 2017 - 12:00 pm
B111 ML
Emma Hornick (Ashutosh Mangalam's Lab)
"​Inflammasome-independent Roles for NLRs during Influenza A Virus Infection"
February 13, 2017 - 12:00 pm
B111 ML
Megan Stoley
"Memory CD T Cells in Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection"
February 6, 2017 - 12:00 pm
B111 ML
Corey Parlet, Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Alex Horswill's lab)
"​Apicidin Inhibits MRSA Quorum-Sensing and Pathogenesis"
January 30, 2017 - 12:00 pm
B111 ML
Rotation Talks
Michael Pisano
"CD301b+ Dendritic Cells and T Helper Cell Differentiation"

Megan Keller
“Impact of Leishmania Life-stage on Human Phagocyte ROS Response”
January 23, 2017 - 12:00 pm
B111 ML
Sabrina Scroggins-Postdoctoral Research Fellow​ (Mark Santillan's lab)
"Preeclampsia: The Intersection between Physiology and Immunology"
December 5, 2016 - 12:00pm 
B111 ML
Jessica King (Postdoc - Salgado-Pabon lab) 
"Staphylococcus aureus Superantigen-mediated Activation of Non-hematopoietic Cells"
November 28, 2016 - 12:00pm 
B111 ML
Ryan Kolb (Postdoc - Weizhou Zhang lab) 
"Obesity, Inflammation and Breast Cancer Progression"
November 14, 2016 - 12:00pm 
B111 ML
Stina Urban (Postdoc - Harty Lab) 
"CD8 T Cells in Malaria: The Good and the Bad”
November 7, 2016 - 12:00pm 
B111 ML
Michael Pisano/Megan Keller 
Michael - "Generation and analysis of TRAF3-/- BJAB Clones"
Megan - "RSV Strain-dependent Th-17 Responses"
October 31, 2016 - 12:00pm 
B111 ML
Matthew Martin (Postdoc - Badovinac lab) 
Revealing the Complexity in CD8 T Cell Responses to Infection in Outbred vs Inbred Mice
October 24, 2016 - 12:00pm B111 MLZeb Zacharias (Legge lab) 
CD8 T Cell Lymphopenia during High-dose Influenza A Virus Infections: A Role for FasL+ B Cells?
October 17, 2016
- 12:00pm B111 ML
Breanna Scorza (Wilson lab) 
Differential Activation of Human Keratinocytes by Leishmania spp. Causing Localized or Disseminated Disease
October 10, 2016 - 12:00pm B111 ML

Brett Gross (Norian lab) 

Changing Medicine, Changing Lives: Breast Cancer Vaccines

October 3, 2016 -
12:00pm B111 ML

Lori Wheeler (Perlman lab)

Understanding the Role of Microglia in CNS Infection

September 26, 2016 - 12:00pm
B111 ML


Jodi Gullicksrud (Xue lab)

TCF1 Isoforms Have Unique Roles in CD4 and CD8 T Cell Responses

September 19, 2016 - 12:00pm B111 ML

Farah Itani (Karandikar lab)

Endogenous Presentation of CNS Antigens to CD8 T Cells Promotes Their Regulatory Function in EAE

September 12, 2016 - 12:00pm 
B111 ML

Alicia Wallis (Bishop lab) 

TRAF3 in T Cell Signaling
August 29, 2016 - 12:00pm 
B111 ML

Nurbek Mambetsariev (Bishop lab) 

TRAF3 and B Cell Survival
August 22, 2016 - 12:00pm 
B111 ML

Introduction to Course 

Steven Varga
May 23, 2016 - 12:00pm 
B111 ML

1st year Immunology students 

Rotation Talks
May 9, 2016 - 12:00pm 


Final Exam Week
May 2, 2016 - 12:00pm 
B111 ML

Brett Gross (Norian lab) 

"Therapeutic vaccines for metastatic malignancies"
April 25, 2016 - 12:00pm 
B111 ML

Megan Stoley (Varga lab)
Emma Hornick (Sutterwala lab) 

"Revealing the epitope diversity of RSV-specific CD8 T cells in C57BL/6 mice" and "The role of NLRC4 during influenza A virus infection"
April 18, 2016 - 12:00pm 


April 11, 2016 - 12:00pm 


Health Sciences Week
April 4, 2016 - 12:00pm 
B111 ML

Tara Grinnage-Pulley (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Petersen lab) 

Immunomodulation by Leishmania surface glycans during L. majorinfection
March 28, 2016 - 12:00pm 
B111 ML

Nubek Mambetsariev (Bishop lab) 

"TRAF3 and B cell Survival"
March 21, 2016 - 12:00pm 
B111 ML

Jennifer Barr (Postdoctoral Associate, Lieberman lab) 

“Immune dysregulation in a mouse model of Sjögren syndrome”
March 14, 2016 - 12:00pm 


Spring Break
March 7, 2016 - 12:00pm 
B111 ML

Ashley Brate (Karandikar lab)
Derek Danahy (Badovinac lab) 

TBA - Brate and Danahy
February 29, 2016 - 12:00pm 
B111 ML

Laura Rogers (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Weiner lab) 

"Identification of novel cancer immunotherapy targets using Sleeping Beauty mutagenesis"
February 22, 2016 - 12:00pm 
B111 ML

Zeb Zacharias (Legge lab) 

"FasL expression in B cells during influenza A virus infections"
February 15, 2016 - 12:00pm 
B111 ML

1st year Immunology students 

Rotation Talks
February 8, 2016 - 12:00pm 
B111 ML

Jodi Gullicksrud (Xue lab) 

TCF-1 long isoforms are critical for secondary T follicular helper cell responses
February 1, 2016 - 12:00pm 
B111 ML

Lori Wheeler (Perlman lab) 

Olfactory bulb interneuron infection and survival in a mouse hepatitis virus infection
January 25, 2016 - 12:00pm 
B111 ML

Farah Itani (Karandikar lab) 

Listeria monocytogenes-encoded expression of a neuroantigen induces CD8 T cell-mediated inhibition of autoimmune demyelinating disease