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Immunology Seminar Series
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The Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Immunology maintains a robust seminar series where PhD candidates, University of Iowa faculty, and guest lectures present on the latest advancements in immunology research. Immunology PhD students enroll in the Monday Immunology Seminar for course credit (IMMU:6211). The Weekly Immunology Seminar on Wednesday’s features guest lectures and University of Iowa faculty.
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Immunology Seminar
Students in the Immunology PhD program present on their research during the Student Seminar held each Monday during the academic year. The major goals of the seminar are to foster oral communication skills and facilitate collaboration among graduate students and faculty members. Discussion is highly encouraged during these seminars, providing feedback by both fellow students and faculty. The more experienced senior students present at the beginning of the Fall semester, providing examples of how to organize and present scientific data. First year students present short 15-minute talks on their rotation research at the end of each of their three rotations. The remaining seminars are presented by pre- and post-comp students where they present their current research and findings.
Weekly Immunology Seminar
The Weekly Seminar provides not only exposure to the research of many distinguished scientists from around the world, but unique career development opportunities. The Immunology Graduate Program’s Seminar Committee works with the Program Director to develop the list of invited speakers each year. Immunology students are invited to meet with the guest speakers in both formal and informal settings. Each year, speakers who have pursued a career path different from that of academic research also present. All of these visitors speak with our students about the advantages and challenges of their particular career choices. These speakers make our students more aware of the various options available to them for using their degrees and research training.
Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact the Immunology Graduate Program in advance at immunology@uiowa.edu